Wild Mustang Midstream

Paving the Way for Efficient Energy Transport

Pipeline Expansion Project

Connecting the Dots:

We are pleased to introduce our pipeline expansion project, strategically connecting the abundant energy resources of the Wild Mustang Unit to markets in Wyoming and points east, west and south. This initiative is designed to enhance energy transportation efficiency and contribute to a sustainable energy future. Our welltest indicated that the gas is pipeline quality, with a high percentage of pure methane. With this being the case, the gas requires minimal processing on site. We are beginning commercial negotiations early in 2024 to deliver our gas to the market.

Seamless Integration:

Our proposed 3 mile connector pipeline will tap to an existing 24 inch diameter line which is engineered to handle ~400 Mmcfd (million cubic feet per day) of natural gas, ensuring a smooth flow of resources from source to destination.

The connector line above is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024. The 6.7mi line will allow Lost Soldier to start creating cashflow this year, and to connect into interstate pipeline networks to the south of Wild Mustang Federal Unit.

A Glimpse into the Future:

Wild Mustang Midstream is committed to bringing this project to fruition by late-2024. Our dedicated team of experts and engineers is working to ensure that this pipeline not only meets but exceeds the highest industry standards for safety, reliability, and sustainability. In addition to the connector line we have begun front end engineering studies to build a gas processing facility on site. This will ensure that all production can be shipped as market ready gas and liquids to maximize our ability to provide energy.

Our Responsibility:

As stewards of energy transport within and from the Wild Mustang Unit, Wild Mustang Midstream takes its role seriously. We understand the vital role we play in ensuring the seamless movement of energy resources, and we are unwavering in our commitment to doing so responsibly and efficiently. Join us in this transformative journey as we create the infrastructure that will power the future of energy supply. At Wild Mustang Midstream, we're not just building pipelines; we're building a sustainable energy legacy.