About Lost Soldier Oil and Gas

Welcome to Lost Soldier Oil and Gas, your trusted partner in resource development within the Wild Mustang Federal Unit. The company name comes from the nearby Lost Soldier oilfield, 15 mi SE of our discovery well. This oilfield, discovered in 1916 is one of the oldest in Wyoming, and continues to produce oil today.  Cumulative production is over 400 million barrels of oil as of 2022. The geology in the Wild Mustang Unit is consistent with much of the geology of Lost Soldier field, which is shown in the photograph above taken in the 1920’s. Our company is dedicated to harnessing the vast potential of this unique area, and we do so with a commitment to efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and transparency.

The Lost Soldier name has a unique Wyoming backstory. Please click here to understand the history of the “Lost Soldier District”.

Our Approach

At Lost Soldier Oil and Gas, we take a hands-on approach to resource development. We utilize our own state-of-the-art drilling rigs and skilled crews, enabling us to achieve the level of efficiency necessary for tapping into the deep reservoirs within the Wild Mustang Federal Unit. Our primary goal is to provide the most cost-effective operations, ensuring maximum returns for our team, partners, and investors.

Keeping You Informed

We believe in keeping our valued investors and partners well-informed. Regular updates on our operations and progress are a cornerstone of our commitment. We understand the importance of transparency and collaboration in achieving our collective goals.

Breathing Life into Jeffrey City

Our vision goes beyond energy development. Lost Soldier Oil and Gas, also boasts substantial acreage in the historic town of Jeffrey City, Wyoming. We aspire to rejuvenate Jeffrey City by bringing in employees, contractors, and their families to support the growth of the Wild Mustang Unit. Our ambition is to see this town regain its former prominence as a thriving Wyoming community. To get a glimpse of the rich history of this town and its potential for revival, check out the PBS documentary that highlights the unique heritage of Jeffrey City. Join us on this journey as we uphold the traditions of Wyoming while building a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Our Partners

Lost Soldier Oil and Gas is proud to work alongside esteemed partners in our pursuit of excellence. Our unit resource partner is the International Petroleum Exploration & Operating Corporation, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. Their expertise and dedication align with our vision for responsible resource development.

For technical services, we rely on Apex Petroleum Engineering, a world-class completions and reservoir evaluation services company based in Denver, Colorado.

For our reserves calculations and related economic modeling we have contracted Denton Engineering out of Denver.

Join Us in Our Journey

Join us in our journey of responsible resource development within the Wild Mustang Federal Unit. Together, we're working towards the future of energy exploration while respecting the land. Thank you for being part of our mission.

Meet the Team